Use the information on and attached to this page to assist your child with the educational process. Let us know when you find interesting resources that you would recommend sharing with other parents.
Parents, Use the PSSA - IXL Math Practice Activities Links below
to assist your child in practicing skills at the appropriate age/grade level.
Our district established a Google Enterprise domain several years ago, to provide students and teachers with access to three things without personal cost: 1) online file storage, 2) software that is similar to our purchased productivity suite of applications (Microsoft Office), making it is easy to use, and 3) file and document sharing for collaboration.
- We have deactivated the social-networking features for everyone.
The Google Plus feature is currently deactivated/turned-off for the district Google Enterprise domain.
- We have deactivated the profile photo features for everyone.
- We do not necessarily promote the use of Gmail.
District faculty/staff and our high school students are able to email within and outside of the district Google Enterprise domain. This is permits contact between students and prospective colleges and employers.
NOTE: Students below 9th grade are restricted to emailing within the domain. They may only interact with classmates and teachers (using the teacher's, and/or accounts)
Remember that this is a school district account, rather than a personal Google account!
School Librarians and the I.T. Department have the ability to reset forgotten passwords, but students and staff are responsible for 'housekeeping', and for using proper 'netiquette' with these assigned accounts.
Periodically, I.T. personnel will randomly monitor student and staff accounts via the Google Vault and other administrative tool. If suspicious or inappropriate activity is discovered, school authorities, and when indicated law enforcement, will be contacted.
Q: I am unable to log into my Google Account.
A: Remember that you must use your assigned school district Google Enterprise account. The SMSD Format for students is your: Grad Year + Last Name + First Initial + For Example: [email protected]
Q: Can I change my Username?
A: No. Keep the username that the district assigned to you. The same (or similar) format is used for other services, as well.
Q: I was told to use my Student/Lunch ID for my Password, but it is not long enough to be a Google password
A: Yes. Generally, you should use your ID# to make it easier for you to remember how to get into your district accounts online and in the cafeteria, so do not share your account number! In this case you will need to add your initials in front of the number to make it 8-charcaters long. For Example: gw123456. Be sure to remember your password! If you use capital letters and special characters it will be more secure, but may be difficult to remember.
Q: I am not able to send an email to my mother at her work email address from my Google mail.
A: Only students at the high school are able to send email outside of the district. For online safety reasons, students with district-issued email who attend our other schools (below the 9th grade level) have limited email access. Younger students are able to collaborate with one another and submit work to their teachers, but can only email classmates and faculty/staff.

- Internet Safety Tips
Communication is an effective tool for parents and guardians when helping their children avoid the dangers that exist on the Internet. NetSmartz provides on- and offline learning activities for parents to facilitate discussions with their children and teens about Internet safety.
- School, Education, and Homework Resources K-3
Everything you need to get through the school year. Resources, information and homework help online.
- Keeping Kids Physically Safe
As a grown up, it's your job to be a know-it-all. Luckily Safe Kids is here to help. Let us show you the best ways to keep your child safe from injury.
- Advanced Math Assistance: Video-Clips
Topics covered = very basic Algebra thru Algebra II and more...
The Khan Academy is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) with the mission of providing a world-class education to anyone, anywhere. We are complementing Salman's ever-growing library with user-paced exercises--developed as an open source project--allowing the Khan Academy to become the free classroom for the World.
Log in to the Khan Academy web application for user-paced practice and instruction
- PSSA - IXL Math Practice Activities
Practice test your knowledge of various math facts and skills in test format for every grade level using this website.
- Thinkfinity - Family Portal
Learning together. Support your child’s success in school with fun activities to try together.
- PSSA - Math Grade 4
Math Grade 4 - Terms and Flashcards
- PSSA Math - Grade 5
Math Grade 4 - Terms and Flashcards
- PSSA Science - Grade 4
Science vocabulary flashcards
- PSSA Study Stack Flashcards
Practice using various terms and test types associated with the state tests.
- EasyCBM
Word Cloud Powered by Science Designed by researchers at the University of Oregon as an integral part of the RTI (Response to Intervention) model, easyCBM brings 30 years of peer-reviewed research into the hands of classroom teachers. Beginning with a grant from the federal Office of Special Education Programs in 2006, easyCBM has been refined with over $5 million of additional grant funding from the Institute of Education Sciences. easyCBM is widely recognized as one of the most state-of-the-art systems in support of Response to Intervention available today.