Categorical Range of Support Programs with Brief Descriptions:
Autistic Support – Services for students with the disability of autism who require services to address needs primarily in the areas of communication, social skills or behaviors consistent with those of autism spectrum disorders.
Blind-Visually Impaired Support - Services for students with the disability of visual impairment including blindness, who require services to address needs primarily in the areas of accessing print and other visually-presented materials, orientation and mobility, accessing public and private accommodations, or use of assistive technologies designed for individuals with visual impairments or blindness.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Support - Services for students with the disability of deafness or hearing impairment, who require services to address needs primarily in the area of reading, communication, accessing public and private accommodations or use of assistive technologies designed for individuals with deafness or hearing impairment.
Emotional Support - Services for students with a disability who require services primarily in the areas of social or emotional skills development or functional behavior.
Learning Support - Services for students with a disability who require services primarily in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, speaking or listening skills related to academic performance.
Life Skills Support - Services for students with a disability who require services primarily in the areas of academic, functional or vocational skills necessary for independent living.
Multiple Disabilities Support - Services for students with more than one disability the result of which is severe impairment requiring services primarily in the areas of academic, functional or vocational skills necessary for independent living.
Physical Support - Services for students with a physical disability who require services primarily in the areas of functional motor skill development, including adaptive physical education or use of assistive technologies designed to provide or facilitate the development of functional motor capacity or skills.
Speech and Language Support - Services for students with speech and language impairments who require services primarily in the areas of communication or use of assistive technologies designed to provide or facilitate the development of communication capacity or skills.
Related Services - Services provided to ensure the student is able to access their education services. (Examples: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech/Language Therapy, Transportation, Nursing/Medical, Counseling/Behavioral Supports to name a few.)