When to Keep My Child Home
When do I keep my child home from school?
Fever of 100 degrees or higher
Vomiting the night prior or morning of school
Diarrhea: in addition to not feeling well, this can be unnecessarily embarrassing to your child
Persistent cough
Severe sore throat. Check the inside of throat as white pustules may require a doctor visit for strep test.
Other cold or flu symptoms that can spread to students/staff
If your child appears unusually tired, irritable, pale, or has an unusual lack of appetite
Any undiagnosed rash, skin lesion, swollen glands, eyes that are red or pink with discharge
Children who are experiencing any of the above symptoms are not ready for a rigorous day at school. Most children need at least 24 hours to recover.
When should my child return to school?
Fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication
Symptom free from vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours and has been able to keep down at least two meals
Rashes have been diagnosed as not contagious and a doctor has cleared for return to school.
Please remember, if your child was too sick to attend school in the morning, please do not bring them in later because they are feeling better. When in doubt, leave them out.