School Board Committees

Athletics & Student Activities Committee
Robin Scherer, Chair
Devin Flickinger
Rodney Wagner
Curriculum Committee

Shannon Snyder, Chair
Eric Berry
Robin Scherer

Facilities & Security Committee

Jim Decker, Chair
Brandon Hall
Rodney Wagner

Policy Committee 
Shannon Snyder, Chair
Rick Rovegno
Brandon Hall 

 Capital Campaign - Ad Hoc Robin Scherer, Chair
Devin Flickinger
Rodney Wagner
Committee of the Whole Board
(Meets as needed)

Budget/Finance – Total Board
Personnel/Negotiations – Total Board

Organization Liaison Appointments
Bubbler Foundation
Brad Group
Kevin O'Donnell
Cumberland/Perry Career & Technical Center
Rick Rovegno
PSBA Legislative Rep. 
Eric Berry
S.M. Township
Jim Decker
S.M. Township Parks & Recreation
Devin Flickinger 
 Harrisburg Area Community College  Rick Rovegno

*Note: The Board President or Designee is an Ex-Officio Member to all Committees and has voting and speaking rights. The President’s attendance does not count towards a quorum. (Reference: Robert’s Rules of Order, pages 447 and 448.)

Page Updated:12/04/2023