Use of Medications

The South Middleton School District recognizes the need for a policy regarding the administration of medicine during school hours. The Board, therefore, establishes the following guidelines and procedures to coordinate medication use. The efforts and cooperation of home and school are essential.

Parents, whenever possible, are asked to arrange medication time intervals to avoid school hours. The South Middleton School District recognizes the legal and regulatory implications of administration of medications by school personnel. Parents/guardians are required to bring all medications to be administered to the nurse, principal, or principal’s designee in each respective building. For long term medications, no more than a four (4) week supply shall be kept at school.  Medication must be clearly identified in original prescription container and accompanied by written consent which must include the following information:

1. Student’s name.

2. Current date.

3. Type of medication, dosage, time schedule, length of time medication must be administered.

4. Physician’s name and phone number.

5. Diagnosis.

6. Parent’s signature.

7. Physician’s signature. Please Note: A physician’s order is required before any medication will be administered to any student attending South Middleton School District.

8. A written record shall be kept on each student receiving medication. The time and date of each dose is to be recorded and initialed.

9. The student is to take the medication in the presence of the nurse administering the medication.

Note: It is preferred that all medicines be given at home. Medication to be given three times a day may be given before school, immediately after school and at bedtime unless otherwise specified by the physician.


Non Prescription Medications

A school nurse may administer non-prescribed medication (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or Tums) under the following conditions:

1. Required parent consent as indicated on the emergency form.

2. A required standing order as indicated by the school physician.

3. Physician’s signature. Please Note: A physician’s order is required before any other over the counter medications will be administered to any student attending South Middleton School District.

The nurse may refuse to administer non prescribed medication (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or Tums) if he/she feels the student does not require it.