English Language Arts 6

Q1 - Speaking & Listening.pdf
Q1 - Rhetoric.pdf
Q1 - Research to Build & Prepare Knowledge.pdf
Q1 - Language.pdf
Q1 - Formal Writing Process.pdf

Q2 - Speaking & Listening.pdf
Q2 - Rhetoric.pdf
Q2 - Research to Build & Present Knowledge.pdf
Q2 - Language.pdf
Q2 - Formal Writing Process.pdf

Q3 - Speaking & Listening.pdf
Q3 - Rhetoric.pdf
Q3 - Research to Build & Present Knowledge.pdf
Q3 - Language.pdf
Q3 - Formal Writing Process.pdf

Q4 - Speaking & Listening.pdf
Q4 - Rhetoric.pdf
Q4 - Research to Build & Present Knowledge.pdf
Q4 - Language.pdf
Q4 - Formal Writing Process.pdf

1 - TTP-RL Short Stories.pdf
2 - TTP-RL Character Development.pdf
3 - TTP-RL Conflict with Resolution.pdf
4 - RI-RL-TTP External Conflict.pdf
5 - TTP Tone and Mood - Foreshadowing.pdf
6 - TTP-RL Narrative Mystery.pdf
7 - TTP-RL Limerick & Free Verse and Theme.pdf
8 - RL-RI Plot Development and Central Idea.pdf
9 - RI-RL Author's Purpose.pdf
10 - RI-RL Simulated Research and Plot Development.pdf
11 - TTP-RI-RL Research Paper.pdf
12 - TTP-RI-RL Understanding Connotation & Diction.pdf
13 - RI-RL Summarizing Central Idea.pdf
14 - RI-RL Argument Analysis and Author's Purpose.pdf
15 - RI-RL Argument Claim and Literary Devices.pdf
16 - RI Central Idea and Free Verse.pdf
17 - RI-RL Conveying Author's Purpose and Free Verse.pdf
18 - RI-RL Argument's Thesis and Literature Summaries.pdf
19 - TTP Response to Literature.pdf
20 - TTP-RL Author's Purpose and 1-Act-Play.pdf
21 - RI-RL Argument Progression and Text Structure.pdf
22 - TTP-RL Research Analysis and Lit Techniques.pdf
23 - RI-RL Conducting Research and Lit Comparisons.pdf