When you are considering retirement, please contact PSERS and Human Resources immediately to begin the process, even if you haven't decided on a retirement date.
1. Complete your PSERS retirement estimate: form can be found
2. Contact PSERS to schedule your exit counseling session. 1-888-773-7748
3. Determine your date of retirement and communicate with all parties involved.
1. Please try ensure your retirement date is a scheduled work day.
4. Send a retirement letter to the Human Resources Department with effective date.
5. Human Resources will notify the Business Office of the retirement request once board approved.
6. Business Office will email your final pay calculations.
7. The final direct deposit receipt, not check, is mailed to their mailing address. Their final pay is direct deposit.
8. Business Office will send a letter stating applicable, unused leave and payout. This is done quarterly.
9. If retiring mid-year, all leave and salary are pro-rated based on the number of days worked according to your contract.
10. Around the middle of the month following the month after notification of retirement, PSERS will be notified of your final wages.
Note: It is best practice to notify PSERS as early as possible when considering retirement. PSERS does an audit on every person's years of service and takes time to complete. Once SMSD receives the audit, SMSD has two weeks to respond to the findings.