Welcome to the South Middleton School District Food Services website. The links provided will allow you to see meal prices and monthly menus, apply for Free & Reduced Price Meals, set-up an online account to view account balances, apply payment to your child’s account and learn about USDA guidelines for school lunches. Staff is available to answer any additional questions you may have about our Food Service department.
South Middleton School District contracted with Chartwells, to provide healthy and nutritious meals. Chartwells' team of dietitians and chefs build our menus to provide appetizing meals with a balance of nutrients growing bodies need to be physically and mentally alert. The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act does stipulate the serving sizes, calories and nutritional guidelines. Chartwells' team develops their menus within those guidelines to offer students and staff a variety of food choices. We invite you to take a look at the fresh new look of school lunches!
Nondiscrimination Statement