Automated Notification System

The South Middleton School District has implemented an automated message notification system that is used in the event of weather related schedule changes and other emergencies. The news media and District website will continue to be used in addition to the automated system.

In the event of school delays, cancellations, or early dismissals, the system has the ability to contact every parent within a half-hour time period. Each message is customized and will provide details specific to the event. You will be contacted only in the event of a situation immediately impacting your child that requires parental action.

Automated messages are dispatched only between the hours of 6 AM and 10 PM. Upon call pick-up, a pre-recorded voice message will play; upon pick-up by an answering machine, the message will be left on the machine. If your line is busy, the system will continue to redial for up to one hour. Should you have questions on the automated system, please contact the building principal.